West Coast Warzone 6 Live Stream and Event Information

West Coast Warzone 6 Live Stream and Event Information

West Coast Warzone 6, which takes place in Anaheim, CA, USA from April 7th through 9th, is the first Ranking Event for the CPT North America region this season! A lot of exciting players will be competing, including ECHO FOX|Justin Wong, PG|Punk, DNL|Chris Tatarian and more. Vietnam’s RISE|Marn, who thrilled us last year with his R.Mika and brought out Ibuki at Final Round 20 in March, will also be there! All of the information you need to watch it live can be found below, so don’t miss it!

Message from West Coast Warzone 6!

Warzone is a tournament that aims to showcase the talent of the west coast. We give a lot of the local talent a chance to shine both on the sticks and pads, as well as the mic! This is an event focused on the fans with free pizza for entrants and spectators, held at a pleasant and safe location minutes from Disneyland in the heart of beautiful Orange County, California. The matches are bound to be explosive! Join in on the conversation using #warzone6 !

Official Website:  https://www.westcoastwarzone.com/

Prominent Players Expected to Attend (In No Particular Order):

PG|Punk ECHO FOX|Justin Wong
RISE|Marn LU|Alex Valle
Gllty Gootecks
Mike Ross DNL|Chris Tatarian
CIRCA|LPN Brenttiscool
SD|Tempest Commander Jesse
WFX|Samurai RN|Alex Myers
Stupendous BJ Unchained
CYG BST|Snake Eyez WFX|801 Strider
Marq Teddy Vicious
SD|Pnoy Filipinoman
Fubarduck BushinStyle

Live Bracket: https://westcoastwarzone.challonge.com

Live Stream Schedule:

Pacific Eastern UK Japan
Pools (Saturday) 11AM – 8PM 2PM – 11PM 7PM (Sat) – 4AM (Sun) 3AM – 12PM (Sun)
Top 32 (Sunday) Begins 11AM Begins 2PM Begins 7PM Begins 3AM (Mon)
Top 8 (Sunday) Begins 7PM Begins 10PM Begins 3AM (Mon) Begins 11AM (Mon)

Live Stream

Watch live video from leveluplive on www.twitch.tv