RANKING TOURNAMENT: True Challengers Costa Rica 2015

True Challengers Costa Rica, being held on October 25th in Costa Rica, is new to the Capcom Pro Tour this year and is looking to make a big first impression! There are already several top international players who have confirmed to be competing, and more will surely be added as the event draws near. Be sure to check out the live stream!

Official Website: https://www.facebook.com/events/486660314836098/

Prominent Players Expected to Attend (In No Particular Order):

WFX|801Strider RZR|Itabashi Zangief
EG|PR Balrog TC507|Kakarto
507|Kenji TCCR|Nano
Bebedero ON|Gabo

Live Stream Start Schedule:

Pacific Eastern Local (Costa Rica)
10:00AM 1:00PM 11:00AM

Live Stream:

Watch live video from True_Challengers on www.twitch.tv