Final Round 2018 Results: Korea’s PG|Infiltration Wins Season’s First Premier Event!

PREMIER EVENT: Final Round 2018 Results

The first Premier Event to kick off the 2018 Capcom Pro Tour Season is now over and the results are in! Final Round 2018, held in Atlanta, GA, USA from March 14th through 16th, hosted hundreds of players from around the world all hoping to start the season off on the right foot. Korea’s PG|Infiltration, who mostly stayed under the radar last year, came out and made an early statement by winning the first Premier Event of the season. During the event he also revealed his new sponsor, Panda Global.

Japan’s ECHO FOX|Tokido took the 2nd place spot after losing to Infiltration narrowly in Winners Finals (2-3) and again in a thrilling Grand Finals where Tokido won the first set (3-2) to reset the bracket but lost the second set (1-3). FURSAN|Verloren, also from Korea, took 3rd place.

DATA|Neon and his fantastic Kolin was a standout player making his first points placement in the Pro Tour and was one of two players from the USA to make top 8, with the other being 2016 Capcom Cup Champion Nuckledu.

Now let’s take a look at the full Final Round 2018 results for top 48!

If you missed any of the action, be sure to visit our videos page, where we will have a playlist for matches from Final Round 2018!

Final Round 2018 Results: Top 48

Placing Handle Characters Points
1st PG|Infiltration Menat/Juri 700
2nd ECHO FOX|Tokido Akuma 270
3rd FURSAN|Verloren Cammy 200
4th Gachikun Rashid 160
5th LIQUID|Nemo Urien 130
5th NuckleDu Guile 130
7th DATA|Neon Kolin 100
9th CYCLOPS|Dogura Urien 70
9th GODSGARDEN|Kazunoko Cammy 70
13th RAZER|Xian Ibuki 40
13th PONOS|Moke Rashid 40
17th CYCLOPS|Go1 Menat/Chun-Li 20
17th Punk Chun-Li/Karin 20
17th NVD|Phenom Necalli 20
17th ATLAS BEAR|Poongko Kolin 20
17th FUDOH|Otani Akuma 20
17th CYG BST|Fuudo R.Mika 20
25th DNG|Itabashi Zangief Abigail 10
25th WP|Daikoku Go Birdie 10
25th IG|Jiewa Akuma 10
25th ATLAS BEAR|StormKubo Abigail 10
25th LIQUID|John Takeuchi Rashid 10
25th Filipino Champ Dhalsim 10
33rd WBG|CJ Truth Cammy 1
33rd Method|Mikeand1ke Laura 1
33rd RED BULL|Bonchan Nash 1
33rd Terrence Chun-Li 1
33rd ITS|Pnoy M.Bison 1
33rd GOL|Ranmasama Rashid 1
33rd Mago Rashid 1
33rd AAG|DidimoKOF Dhalsim 1
33rd RISE|MenaRD Birdie 1
33rd Ice Effect Laura 1
33rd LPN M.Bison/Abigail 1
33rd CYG BST|Daigo Guile 1
33rd SCARZ|Sako Menat 1
33rd MOUSESPORTS|Problem X M.Bison 1
33rd COIN UP|Ogyawn Laura 1

Top 5 Moments: Final Round 2018