RANKING EVENT: Liga Oficial PlayStation Tournament 2016

Liga Oficial PlayStation Tournament 2016

Liga Oficial PlayStation Tournament 2016 is being held in Barcelona, Spain from October 8th through 9th and it is one of several Capcom Pro Tour events being held this weekend around the world! Many top players from around Europe will be there, all battling it out for valuable Ranking Points and a qualifying spot in the EU Regional Finals at Milan Games Week next week!

Official Website:  https://www.ligaplaystation.com/#!/news/222

Prominent Players Expected to Attend (In No Particular Order):

AWS|CCL Achampou
RB|Luffy Hayabuxa
TruE_Deathwolf Sadirk
PRLS|Packz LeKorp
danymort PandaTV|Dark Jiewa

Challonge link:https://www.toornament.com/tournaments/57e931c1140ba0104d8b45c6/information

Live Stream Schedule:

Pacific Eastern Local (Barcelona Spain)
Sat (Oct 8th) 9:30AM – 10:30AM 12:30PM – 1:30PM 18:30 – 19:30

Live Stream

We will post the embedded live stream when it is available.