Summer Jam X

One of two Ranking Events taking place this weekend is Summer Jam X, which takes place in Philadelphia, USA from August 19th through 21st. There are many top players from around the US taking part, with the list below just being a partial list! You won’t want to miss any of the incredible matches, so be sure to catch the live stream using the schedule and embedded stream below!

Official Website:  https://bigegaming.com/events/

Prominent Players Expected to Attend (In No Particular Order):

NVT|Flash Liquid|NuckleDu
CR|SonicFox EVB|Chris Tatarian
EG|Ricki Ortiz RB|Snake Eyez
FOX|Julio Fuentes Circa|LPN
EG|K-Brad PG|Filipino Champ
PG|RayRay PAG|LostSoul
OG|Shine PIE|Smug
IFC Yipes F3|Alucard
Perfect Legend LI Joe
TS|Sabin (Arturo Sanchez) Dieminion

Live Stream Schedule:

Pacific Eastern
Pools (Sat) 9AM – 6:30PM 12PM – 9:30PM
Top 32 to Top 8 (Sat) 7PM – 9PM 10PM – 12AM
Top 8 (Sun) 6PM – 9PM 9PM – 12AM

Live Stream

Watch live video from TeamSp00ky on www.twitch.tv