RANKING EVENT: Ze Fighting Game Championship

Ze Fighting Game Championship

Ze Fighting Game Championship is one of several Ranking Events taking place this weekend. It takes place in China from September 3rd through 4th and players from across the region will be there to battle it out for valuable Ranking Points! It will be an exciting event to watch with a lot of great competitors, so watch the live stream so you don’t miss any of the action!

Official Website:  https://beastapac.com/#zefg

Prominent Players Expected to Attend (In No Particular Order):

RZR|Xian HuomaoTV|HumanBomb
Qanba Douyu|Xiao Hai PandaTV|Dakou
Zowie|GamerBee MF|Tonpy
RB|Bonchan YBK|Shiro
GGP|Kazunoko HM|Eita

Brackets will be found at  beastapac.challonge.com

Live Stream Schedule:

Pacific Eastern Local (China)
Pools (Saturday) 11PM (Fri) – 6AM (Sat) 2AM – 9AM (Sat) 2PM – 9PM (Sat)
Top 16 (Sunday) 11PM (Sat) – 6AM (Sun) 2AM – 9AM (Sun) 2PM – 9PM (Sun)

Live Stream

Watch live video from fenghougame on www.twitch.tv