RANKING TOURNAMENT: Cannes Winter Clash 2016 Results

Top 3 for Cannes Winter Clash 2016: 1st Place: Mister Crimson (Center), 2nd Place: BX3.TP-Link|Phenom (Right), 3rd Place: FA|Ryan Hart (Prodigal Son)(Left)

Cannes Winter Clash 2016 was a thrilling beginning to the 2016 Capcom Pro Tour Season! France’s Mister Crimson, who had very few tournament placements during the Street Fighter 4 era, achieves 1st Place at the first Pro Tour event for Street Fighter 5!

Thanks to Stephanie Lindgren for the photos!

If you couldn’t catch the live stream, also be sure to check out our videos page to watch some of the amazing match videos from the event once they become available!

Here are the top 16 results for the event:

Placing Handle Characters Points
1st Mister Crimson Laura 128
2nd BX3.TP-Link|Phenom M.Bison/Necalli 64
3rd FA|Ryan Hart (Prodigal Son) Ken/Vega/F.A.N.G. 32
4th Mordesai Vega/Zangief 16
5th Gootecks R.Mika/Ryu 8
5th VSL|Myakyo Vega 8
7th FA|Big Bird Ken 4
7th Melty|Will2Pac Laura/Nash 4
9th Kindevu F.A.N.G. 2
9th Duppsko Birdie 2
9th Piccolo Nash/Ryu/Necalli 2
9th Kuja Cammy 2
13th Kilmor Karin 1
13th Juni Nash 1
13th UM|Isam Karin 1
13th BX3.TP-Link|Veggey Birdie 1