RANKING TOURNAMENT: Dreamhack Summer 2015

The next stop on the Capcom Pro Tour takes us to Jönköping, Sweden, and Dreamhack Summer 2015. Even though Dreamhack runs from June 13 through 16, take note that the Ultra Street Fighter 4 tournament actually takes place on June 13 (even though it can run into June 14 depending on your time zone. See schedule below). This is a Ranking Tournament, so up to 128 Ranking Points are up for grabs. Check out the list below of players expected to attend (even though we expect more top players to join this list) and be sure to catch the live stream!

Official Site: https://www.dreamhack.se/splash/

Players Expected to Attend (Partial List in No Particular Order):

AVM|GamerBee BX3.Tp-Link|Phenom
KIG|Problem X Pro Fluke
Ryan Hart RMZ

Current player list can be found here.

Stream Schedule:

Pacific 3AM – 9AM (SAT)
Eastern 6AM – 12PM (SAT)
UK 11:00 – 17:00 (SAT)
CEST 12:00 – 18:00 (SAT)
Japan/Korea 19:00 – 1:00 (SAT)

Top 32
Pacific 9AM – 3:30PM (SAT)
Eastern 12PM – 6:30PM (SAT)
UK 17:00 – 23:30 (SAT)
CEST 18:00 – 0:30 (SAT)
Japan/Korea 1:00 – 7:30 (SUN)

Live Stream:

Watch live video from DreamHackFighters on www.twitch.tv